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I am a doctoral researcher at the University of Arts Helsinki, MuTri  doctoral School, Research Unit (Music Education).


My research interests are linguistically and culturally diverse music education contexts and language-aware musical practices, among others. In my doctoral research I explore linguistically and culturally diverse choirs in which the use of Finnish language (L2) is intertwined with holistic and collaborative musical activity.


I participate in an interdisciplinary research project ELLA (2021-2024), funded by Kone foundation and coordinated by the University of the Arts Helsinki, that investigates how embodied language learning through the arts may generate substantial change within communities.

Academic publications

Conference presentations

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (forthcoming). Novel opportunities for intercultural music education: Integrating singing and a language-aware approach in Learn-Finnish-by-Singing choirs. Research Studies in Music Education.


Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. A world in change – could and should mu­sic ed­u­ca­tional think­ing also change? A blog in the series of Music Education AMP, Uniarts Helsinki.


Jusslin, S., Korpinen, K., Lilja, N, Martin, R., Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. & Anttila, E. (2022). Embodied learning and teaching approaches in language education: A mixed studies review. Educational Research Review.

Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2021). The pivotal change in in music teaching and learning during the corona crisis – an online paradox?. A blog in the series of Music Education AMP, Uniarts Helsinki.

Backer Johnsen, H. … Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. et al. (2020). Collaboratively Navigating Liminality in Music Education Doctoral Studies. In Hautsalo, L. & Laes, T. (Eds.) Remarks on a Visionary’s Journey: An Anthology Celebrating Heidi Westerlund , 194–220. Sibelius Academy Publications 18.


Thompson, K. & Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2019). Where are the teachers? Reflecting on the language of the Finnish (music) core curriculum for basic education, FJME (The Finnish Journal of Music Education) 1-2, 22, 110-118.



Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2022). Singing migrants: Music educator’s professional practice in a language-aware choir in Finland. International Society for Music Education (ISME), 35th World Conferece, 17.-22.07.2022, Brisbane, Australia (Online).


Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2022). Poster presentation: Learn Finnish in a choir! Expanding the boundaries of a choir activity through a language-aware approach. Jubilee Seminar: 10 Years of MuTri — 35 Years of Doctoral Education, University of Arts, Helsinki. 24.5.2022, Musiikkitalo, Helsinki. 


Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2020). Learn Finnish in a choir! Extending music education to support language learning, Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNRME), Copenhagen, 1.-5.3.2020


Lehtinen-Schnabel, J. (2019).  Design of my Doctoral Project “Learn Finnish in a choir! The Potential of Music Education for Second Language Learning” and about the specific Learn-Finnish-by-Singing practices, SibA Research Days, Taideyliopisto Helsinki, 18.-19.3.2019


I'm music educator, choir conductor and doctoral researcher   at Mutri doctoral school of Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki. 




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